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Welcome to the new blogspot for The Boutique Angels Charity. Feel free to comment on anything related to the Angels charity auctions on ebay OR a personal story about the special Angels in your life. Boutique Angels Members are free to post current Boutique Angels Charity auctions. The auctions must be for our sanctioned auctions thru Mission Fish only.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The "BE OUR GUEST" guest Launch

We have decided to have our first guest launch...and it's a "group" guest launch! Of course, individual designers may also join as well. We are very excited and can't wait to play hostess to our guests! If you haven't already requested an invitation to join the launch, you may do so right here!

And, guess what...everyone listing during this launch will be entered for a drawing for a $50 cash prize as well! So, start getting things ready, the launch will be on May 5 thru the 18 and all proceeds will go to Big Brothers Big Sisters!

Be entered in a drawing to win a $50 cash prize by

signing up for our newsletter!
We will be drawing a winner on April 25, sign up today!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

And the designated charity is...

Big Brothers Big Sisters . Only 6 and a half weeks until the Boutique Angels launch again and this wonderful organization will be the recipient! Please take a minute to read about Big Brothers Big Sisters if you aren't already familiar with the organization.

We are looking forward to seeing all the new listings that our group will be coming up with! There will be something for everyone, so mark your calendars for May 5-18, to help support a wonderful cause!

Monday, March 10, 2008

2008 Charity Launch Dates

Mark your calendars! The Boutique Angels will be launching on the following dates in 2008:

February 4-17 (launched for The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children)

May 5-18

August 4-17

November 3-16

100% of the proceeds from these auctions will be donated to various charitable organizations!